simulations phase 2

In its phase 2 (from 2016 onwards), the overarching goals of the Med-CORDEX initiative (rephrased from Ruti et al. 2016) are to:

  1. Understand the past variability of the Mediterranean regional climate system and characterize its possible future evolution.
  2. Investigate, understand and improve the description of regional climate phenomena with emphasis on phenomena of importance for climatic impacts.
  3. Contribute to improve the characterization of the impacts of the Mediterranean climate variability and climate change.
To full-filled these goals, the phase 2 of Med-CORDEX is based on five modelling pillars:
  • The Baseline runs based on a large ensemble of fully-coupled regional climate system models inherited from Med-CORDEX phase 1.
  • The CORDEX FPS-convection based on convection-permitting regional climate models
  • The CORDEX FPS-aerosol based on an improved representation of aerosols in the regional climate models
  • The CORDEX FPS-airsea based on an improved representation of small-scale oceanic processes and air-sea coupling in the region climate system models
  • The Free Modelling Zone (FMZ) targeting to study the limitations of the current Med-CORDEX modelling protocols and to test new modelling ideas
FPS: Flagship Pilot Study, the 3 Med-CORDEX related FPS have been endorsed officially by CORDEX in May 2016

chart of the phase tasks

In its phase 2 as in its phase 2, Med-CORDEX is based on the following motivations and basic principles:
  • Mediterranean area is considered as a perfect test case for high-resolution and coupled regional climate modelling and a well-identified future climate change hotspot
  • Following the end of the CIRCE EU project, Med-CORDEX started in 2009 as the HyMeX regional climate modelling team before becoming an official CORDEX domain
  • Med-CORDEX is an open club of Mediterranean climate model developers and users ; self-organised and based on voluntary efforts.
  • Med-CORDEX targets to develop reference modelling frameworks for the study the Mediterranean climate and to provide coordinated regional climate simulations for the various components of the Mediterranean climate system
  • Med-CORDEX is mainly science-driven
  • The major communication tools are the mailing list (, the web site ( and regular workshops
  • Med-CORDEX is leaded by an international steering committee ( S.Somot (CNRM) ; G.Sannino (ENEA) ; E.Coppola (ICTP) ; G.Jordà (IMEDEA) ; B.Ahrens (GUF) ; F. Solmon (LA)
  • Med-CORDEX contributes to the objectives of the following initiatives and projects: CORDEX, MISTRALS (HyMeX, ChArMEx, ImpactCC), Med-CLIVAR, C3S, HORIZON-2020 and MedECC

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