
Only authorized users which logged this site can locally use Med-CORDEX data.

The exec cdo procedure processes Med-CORDEX files executing cdo commands in this web site, so users do not need to download the files. Of course users will download home the netcdf files produced by the cdo commands.

"exec cdo" can be usefull, for example, to whom only needs to get the mean temperature of a very large file. Without downloading the large file to process it at home, he can process it on this machine by means of any cdo operator. In this way a small file with the desired values is produced on this site and the users can download it very quickly.

Please note that:

  • infiles can have wildcards like * (represents any character) and ? (represents a single character) and must end with .nc
  • as input file can be used not only any files of the Med-CORDEX database, but also any ouput files of previous cdo commands
  • outfiles:
    • are located in /MEDCORDEX/work/$username
    • are readable by anybody
    • are automatically deleted after 3 days
    • can be downloaded and deleted directly from "exec cdo" or using any FTP client (using Med-CORDEX or HyMeX db credential)
    • can be remotely used at home by cdo, ncdump, ferret or any other openDAP client, or by means of our THREDDS Data Server and its GIS services (WCS and WMS)

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